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香港兒童歌唱大賽 2023

Hong Kong Young Vocalist Prize 2023

香港兒童歌唱大賽 2023: 文字

本學院現正舉辦 「香港兒童歌唱大賽 2023」,是次比賽將以 「錄影模式」 進行,在疫情下為小朋友提供一個練習唱歌及增強自信的機會,喜歡唱歌的小朋友千萬不要錯過! 

HKCMA is hosting "Hong Kong Young Vocalist Prize 2023", participants can join this competition by sending us their video recordings. 


Information of competition:

比賽日期: 2023 年 5月 27日

Competition date: 27th May, 2023

比賽時間:稍後於 2023年 4月公佈

Competition time: TBC, will be announced in April, 2023


Competition format: Participants will send us their video recordings, all participants' recordings will be shown online on competition date and results will be announced afterwards.

截止報名日期: 2023年 3月 31日
Deadline of application: 31st March, 2023

截止提交影片日期: 2023年 4月 30日

Deadline of video submission: 30th April, 2023

*報名完成後將收到電郵及WhatsApp 確認

* You will receive a confirmation letter with video requirements after you have filled in the application form.


Competition is divided into two parts and three categories according to ages: 

獨唱 Solo

預備組:6歲或以下(2016年 5月28日或之後出生)

Preparatory level: Age 6 or under


Repertoire:Participants' own selection. Any song less than three minutes​

報名費用: $230

Registration fee: $230
本學院團員均可獲報名費減免 $20

Each member of HKCMA will be allowed to have $20 discount.

初級組:9歲或以下(2013年 5月28日或之後出生)

Junior level: Age 9 or under

Repertoire:Participants' own selection. Any song less than four minutes

報名費用: $280

Registration fee: $280
本學院團員均可獲報名費減免 $20

Each member of HKCMA will be allowed to have $20 discount.

中級組:14歲或以下(2008年 5月 28日或之後出生)

Intermediate level: Age 14 or under


Repertoire:Participants' own selection. Any song less than five minutes


Registration fee: $330
本學院團員均可獲報名費減免 $20

Each member of HKCMA will be allowed to have $20 discount.

小組合唱(2-10人) Group Singing

預備組:6歲或以下 (2016年 5月28日或之後出生)

Preparatory level: Age 6 or under


Repertoire:Participants' own selection. Any song less than three minutes​

報名費用: $150(每位)

Registration fee: $150 each
本學院團員均可獲報名費減免 $20

Each member of HKCMA will be allowed to have $20 discount.

初級組:9歲或以下(2013年 5月28日或之後出生)

Junior level: Age 9 or under

Repertoire:Participants' own selection. Any song less than four minutes

報名費用: $180(每位)

Registration fee: $180 each
本學院團員均可獲報名費減免 $20

Each member of HKCMA will be allowed to have $20 discount.

中級組:14歲或以下(2008年 5月 28日或之後出生)

Intermediate level: Age 14 or under


Repertoire:Participants' own selection. Any song less than five minutes


Registration fee: $210 each
本學院團員均可獲報名費減免 $20

Each member of HKCMA will be allowed to have $20 discount.


A cappella, playing accompaniment recordings (without vocals) or piano accompaniment are available for all levels of solo and group singing. 



Results will be announced after all the participant's videos are streamed on the competition date.

更多詳情可電郵至 查詢

Contact for more info.


  • 轉帳至匯豐銀行戶口:484-855770-838 (香港合唱音樂學院有限公司)

  • 轉數快 FPS ID: 167007640

  • 如以其他繳費方式可向本學院查詢​

The registration fee can be paid in the following ways:

  • Transfer to HSBC bank account: 484-855770-838 (Hong Kong Choral Music Academy Limited)

  • FPS ID: 167007640

  • For other payment methods, please contact us


香港兒童歌唱大賽 2023: About
香港兒童歌唱大賽 2023: Pro Gallery


香港兒童歌唱大賽 2023: 文字


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